Beginilah Artis Holywood dan Tokoh Terkenal di Dunia Jika Gemuk

Written By Galang on Friday, October 8, 2010 | 11:04 PM

Photoshop adalah alat yang ampuh, tapi kadang-kadang, mungkin terlalu kuat ... Lihat apa yang dilakukan untuk orang-orang di foto-foto ini! Yah, mungkin foto-foto ini memberikan gambaran bagaimana membuat lelucon dengan seseorang ...

Pamela Anderson

Beware of Photoshop

Carmen Electra

Beware of Photoshop


Beware of Photoshop

Britney Spears

Beware of Photoshop

Jessica Biel

Beware of Photoshop

Anna Kournikova

Beware of Photoshop

Rose McGowan

Beware of Photoshop

Jim Carrey

Beware of Photoshop

Chistina Aguilera

Beware of Photoshop

Uma Thurman

Beware of Photoshop

Ashley Judd

Beware of Photoshop

Jennifer Lopez

Beware of Photoshop 

Britney Spears

Beware of Photoshop

The Star Sisters

Beware of Photoshop

Claudia Schiffer

Beware of Photoshop

Jennifer Aniston

Beware of Photoshop

Mariska Hargitay

Beware of Photoshop

Lindsay Lohan

Beware of Photoshop

Jessica Alba

Beware of Photoshop

Cameron Diaz

Beware of Photoshop

Jennifer Lopez

Beware of Photoshop

Penelope Cruz

Beware of Photoshop

Brad Pitt

Beware of Photoshop

George W Bush

Beware of Photoshop

Michael Schumacher

Beware of Photoshop

Christina Applegate

Beware of Photoshop

Amy Winehouse

Beware of Photoshop

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